Barr appointed to WSSU's Board of Trustees
The North Carolina General Assembly has appointed Robert Barr ‘88 to the Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) Board of Trustees.
Barr, of Clemmons, has served as a staff pastor with Agape Faith Church since 2002. Prior to that, he worked as a teacher and curriculum coordinator for the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools for 14 years.
In 2014, Barr was elected to the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools Board of Education and currently serves as the board vice chair.
Barr received his bachelor’s degree in intermediate education from WSSU and a master’s in education from Wake Forest University.
He replaces Kenneth Raymond, who resigned from the board in March. Barr’s term is through June 30, 2021.
The WSSU Board of Trustees serves as advisor to the Board of Governors on matters pertaining to WSSU and also serves as advisor to the chancellor concerning the management and development of the institution. It is comprised of 13 members with eight members elected by the UNC Board of Governors and four appointed by the General Assembly. The Student Government Association president serves an ex officio member.
About Winston-Salem State University
Winston-Salem State University fosters the creative thinking, analytical problem-solving, and depth of character needed to transform the world. Rooted in liberal education, WSSU’s curriculum prepares students to be thought leaders who have the skills and knowledge needed to develop innovative solutions to complex problems. Founded in 1892, WSSU is a historically Black constituent institution of the University of North Carolina with a rich tradition of contributing to the social, cultural, intellectual, and economic growth of North Carolina, the region and beyond. Guided by the motto, “Enter to Learn, Depart to Serve,” WSSU develops leaders who advance social justice by serving the world with compassion and commitment.