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Online Instruction Checklist

Use this checklist to maintain academic continuity in the event of an unexpected disruption due to university mandated online (remote) academic delivery.

  • WSSU’s Office of Information Technology is your first point of contact for remote classroom delivery from a technical perspective. Please refer to OIT’s WSSU Remote Access and Resource Delivery page.
  • CITI is your direct point of contact for classroom instruction and online teaching best practices. For additional resources explore CITI Uploading Instructional Content in Canvas due to a Campus Emergency. This course provides training as well as additional resources.
  • Ensure that all relevant documents and support materials are present in the Canvas shell/course. (i.e. syllabus, assignments, due dates, rubrics)
  • Contact students with information relevant to the change in instruction delivery method. Ensure that all students are receiving your communications by sending an email that requires a reply.
    • Indicate information resources that pertain to the situation (i.e. the WSSU coronavirus (COVID-19) web page).
    • Outline your plan for moving the course online.
    • Explain any changes that you needed to make and why you made them.
    • Urge students to use the help resources on Canvas.

During an emergency, students may not prioritize learning and work. Be realistic with expectations for what can be achieved online, especially if students are not experienced online learners.

CITI Calendar


Library Resources

These Resources By Subject Guideprovide students and faculty links to material related to their academic study area. This includes eBook collections, research databases, ways to contact the librarian, and online course material. Each subject guide link can be placed directly into a Canvas course shell so students have quick access to the material.

Each faculty member is encouraged to contact their library liaison to hear about what resources are available to replace/supplement physical material that was used in their course. As vendors expand what they are offering through our subscriptions to help during the transition, librarians will work with faculty to assess how this new material might help their online instruction. We have begun creating online tutorials and handouts to help students navigate the library online and will make each faculty member aware of the videos as they are completed through their library liaison.

Our Media Production Lab can also assist faculty with training and editing if they would like to film lectures or tutorials to provide to their students. Our Media Lab staff is also working on several tutorials related to Adobe Spark and Creative Cloud as we know many assignments are ongoing using those software.