Faculty Success
Faculty Success - (formerly Digital Measures)
Winston-Salem state University is using Faculty Success by Watermark for faculty activity reporting, course evaluation solutions, annual evaluation, promotion and tenure, reappointments, and post-tenure review process. Digital Measures Activity Insight module collects and facilitates the curation of faculty work on teaching, research, service as well as publications, presentations, professional development, internal and external service, instructional loads and awards. Faculty upload their data once into Faculty Success, and WSSU can produce activity reports for the purposes of reporting as well as annual departmental and university-wide review.
Review Faculty Success User Guide from Watermark.
To begin click on the Faculty Success login button to the left of this page.
To start entering your information, click on “Activities”. This will take you to a list of “screens”, which are divided-up into four groups: General Information, Teaching, Scholarship/Research, and Service..
- You can also click on “Review Guide’ link for step by step instructions in entering Click on a screen name in a group.
- To add a new record, select the “Add” button.
- To import items in bulk, select the “Import” button (only for the Published Work screen).
- To delete a record, select the appropriate check box, and then select the “Delete” button.
- To view or edit a record, click on the record.
- To copy a record, select the “Duplicate” button.
- Click “Add A New Item”.
- You will see a screen with a series of fields with pull-down. Some fields may already be filled for you from Banner records (e.g., in General Information).
- You will see a screen with a series of fields with pull-down Some fields may already be filled for you from Banner records (e.g., in General Information).
- Begin entering your activities.
Not all fields and screens must be completed by all faculty. Begin entering biographical data, teaching, research, and service information for the current academic year first. After entering your current work activities into Faculty Success, please begin working back in time to complete your past teaching, research, and service accomplishments.
- Run Reports: Custom built reports allow you to create your own reports.
- Help: Allows you to submit suggestions to the Faculty Success Digital Measures administrator on how to improve the system, questions about use of the system, or to report system errors.
- Notifications: Bell icon shows you notifications and messages from Faculty Success, including real-time information on new features and capabilities, as well as important system events like scheduled maintenance. You can find feature tips, ways you can reduce data entry, and quick takeaways.
Tips for data entry process:
- Some Data Has Been Entered for You
Some sections of courses you have previously taught has been entered for you into the Scheduled Teaching Screen, and some personal and administrative information fields have been retrieved from Banner. However, you must enter data that is not pulled from other university systems. - Entering Dates
Please make sure that you enter dates for all items. If you know the specific date, please enter it. Enter the month and year data If you do not know the day. - Cutting and Pasting from Other Sources
You can cut and paste information from other sources such as your CV. Use the “PasteBoard” tab on the lower right of your screens. Click on the tab to open the “PasteBoard” where you can paste items from other sources such as Word or PDF documents. - Importing Data Files from Other Sources
You can import citations from EndNote, Google Scholar, Mendeley, RefWorks, HeinOnline, Zotero, or other online citation sources in the Intellectual Contributions screen. Some citation data must first be converted to a BibTeX file. BibTeX is a reference file management format. Faculty Success provides a step-by-step guide for converting your citations from external sources into a BibTeX file and uploading it to Faculty Success.
Instructions can be accessed at the publication screen, by clicking on “Import”.
- WSSU Guidelines for Individual Screens
- Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment Process using Workflow
- Reviewers Workflow Directions for Tenure and Promotion Process
- Post-Tenure Review Process using Workflow
- Reviewers Workflow Directions Post-tenure Review
- Visit the Activity Insight User Guide
- Official Guide on Import Items
- Faculty Success login
- Guide for Submitting Faculty Annual Review
- Promotion and Tenure Memo
- Timeline for Promotion and Tenure
- Promotion and Tenure Application
- Promotion and Tenure Process
- Personal Dossier Guidelines
- Building a Dossier Toward Tenure & Promotion
- Using the Electronic Dossier Submission System for Promotion and Tenure
- Timeline for Reappointment
- Customizing CV in Faculty Success
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